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The Heat Is On

Grilled meat /steak on the flaming grill

On hot summer days like this, it’s definitely a good idea to cook outdoors!  

It’s always fun to fire up the grill and create a beautiful meal.  

There’s something magical about cooking over fire.  Maybe it’s the primitive feel of working hard searing meat and providing it for your family and friends that makes grilling so fulfilling.  Maybe it’s just because it tastes amazing!  

Did you know grilling outdoors has tons of Health and Mental benefits?

Have you ever cooked fish on your stove in the house?  You could create the most perfect meal ever eaten, but the smell that was 

delicious when you first served that fish can linger for days and starts to loose its appeal pretty fast.  

Cooking outdoors gives you the ability to make as much smoke and smells as you want without the stale lingering after effects of cooking indoors.

It’s a proven fact that we all need to be outdoors as much as we can be.  The fresh air and natural light is a welcoming break from out offices and factories.  Our bodies and minds get a chance to unplug from all the stress and worries of work.  

Let’s face it, even the most amazing indoor kitchen can’t compete with the relaxation and peace of mind of grilling while looking out over your backyard as your family or friends play yard games.

Grilling cooks off a lot of fat!

The drippings from your steak or burger fall onto the flames and helps create the magical smells and smokes that make up not only the grilling experience but the flavors of the meats we cook.

Imagine taking every penny you spent on going out to eat and put it into a grill.  For some people this could have gotten you a pretty sweet setup!  Plus you get the added benefit of more family time!

We really should try to reduce stress in any way that we can.  We live in a fast paced crazy world sometimes.  Grilling with friends and family gives us a chance to slow down and refocus on what is really important.

Don’t work so hard… Play a little…

With healthy living and relaxation while grilling, comes better sleep!  

For more imformation on all the amazing grilling products please stop in or call us at 608-758-4444

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